Cabalistii despre Cabala astazi, Part 4

Dragi prieteni, adresati va rog intrebari despre aceste pasaje ale marilor Cabalisti. Comentariile din paranteze imi apartin.

Dovada ca generatia noastra a ajuns la zilele lui Messiah

Rashbi si generatiei  sale, autorii Zoharului, le-au fost garantate toate cele 125 trepte pe deplin, chiar daca a fost inainte de zilele lui Messiah. S-a spus despre el si despre elevii sai : ‘’un intelept este preferabil unui profet’’. Totusi, destul de des gasim in Zohar ca nu va mai fi o generatie asemeni celei  lui Rashbi pana la generatia Regelui Messiah. De aceea compozita sa a avut un asa impact mare in lume, intrucat secretele Torei despre asta ocupa nivelul tuturor celor 125 trepte.

Hence, it is said in The Zohar that The Book of Zohar will be revealed only at the End of Days, the days of the Messiah. This is so because we have already said that if the degrees of the students are not at the full measure of the degree of the author, they will not understand his intimations, since they do not have a common attainment.

And since the degree of the authors of The Zohar is at the full level of the 125 degrees, they cannot be attained prior to the days of the Messiah. It follows that there will be no common attainment with the authors of The Zohar in the generations preceding the days of the Messiah. Hence, The Zohar could not be revealed in the generations before the generation of the Messiah.
– Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar
From Lesson 1, World Kabbalah Convention 2010, 11/9/10

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